A year later and I rewrite my website

The title says it all. The second ever post is about how I rewrote my website using Astro. I guess in the year this website/blog has been live I haven’t got much use of out it.

I think part of the reason for this is I wanted to add interactivity to it and found it cumbersome within the constraints of Hugo setup. In the end I gave up entirely and forgot about this website.

A year later I come across Astro and how it bosts Island architecture interactivity using modern frameworks such as React, NextJS and more.

What I like

  • Both Hugo and Astro use content/ as directory for all your blog posts or collections of pages.
  • I like that templates (*.astro) feal a lite like React components and there is some knowledge transfer with passing props around.
  • Type safety with cosnt Props, Astro.props magic global inheriting from the Props type def in component file.
  • Island architecture and being able to use React or NextJS.

Whats Next

Probably forget about this website again and rewrite it in some other framework or build system. Write a blog post about, rinse and repeat.

Seriously though, right now I’m working on ‘searchanything’. Serverless search platform, hope to build in public make it useful to someone.